• Maintaining its commitment to digital transformation and sustainable development, Viettel has risen to the second position globally in brand strength.
  • The company's Brand Strength Index (BSI) has reached its highest level in recent years, increasing by 4.2 points compared to 2023.

Viettel's BSI stands at 89.4/100, classified as AAA – the highest level in recent years. This marks a significant 4.2-point increase compared to 2023. The BSI is determined based on surveys, analysis, and evaluations of attributes including customer perceptions (awareness, affinity) and customer behavior towards the brand (product/service usage, willingness to recommend, pay a premium).

The BSI is a crucial factor contributing to Viettel's approximate $9 billion brand value, helping it maintain its position as the number one telecommunications brand in Southeast Asia, ranking ninth in Asia, and rising one spot globally to 16th.

Explaining the significant increase in Viettel's BSI, Mr. Alex Haigh, Managing Director of Brand Finance in Asia Pacific, stated, "This comes from Viettel's strong commitments to digital transformation and sustainable development, enhancing customer perceptions of innovation, environmental indices, and community engagement in the Vietnamese market."

Currently, Viettel maintains its position as the most comprehensive digital ecosystem provider with six fundamental areas: digital infrastructure, digital solutions, digital finance, digital content, cybersecurity, and high-tech manufacturing. Viettel's digital solutions and services hold the number one market share in fields such as healthcare, education, and provincial governance. Viettel also serves as the backbone ensuring cybersecurity in Vietnam.

In 2023, Viettel compiled a Sustainable Development Report themed "Technology with Heart," focusing on six critical areas: High-quality human resources, Building a digital society, Information security, Climate change/Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Smart green data centers, and Transparent and responsible management. These key areas reflect Viettel's aspirations to use technology and core capabilities to address societal issues, improve people's lives, and promote sustainable development.

Brand Finance is the world's leading brand valuation consultancy, established in 1996 and headquartered in London, UK. The company operates in over 20 countries worldwide. Every year, Brand Finance values over 70,000 brands globally. This is the ninth year Vietnam has been included in the list of countries valued by Brand Finance, with Brand Finance Asia-Pacific (based in Singapore) responsible for announcing the list.

Brand Finance is the only company with a brand valuation method meeting ISO 10668 standards for valuation. Values published by Brand Finance can be used for tax purposes, auditing, and mergers and acquisitions (M&A).

Brand Finance has used a brand valuation method that meets ISO 10668 standards - the first international standard for brand valuation.The indices that make up a company's brand value include the Brand Strength Index (BSI), industry brand royalty rate, and company's forecasted revenue. Among these, the BSI is considered the most important, encompassing various attributes that drive the brand's influence on customers and support businesses in building brand value.


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