In early 2023, Mr. Truong Dinh Diep, Director of Viettel in Con Cuong district (Nghe An), rarely found himself at the office. Most of his day was spent alongside his team, venturing into each village to engage with locals. They collaborated with local authorities to promote and directly facilitate the transition of customers from 2G to 4G mobile phones, in preparation for the 2G network shutdown by the Ministry of Information & Communications in 2024.

From mobile penetration to 4G accessibility

In the mountainous district of Con Cuong, bordering Laos, the population consists mainly of ethnic minorities living sparsely, with a density of less than 47 people per square kilometer. Bringing 4G to these communities required Mr. Diep and his colleagues work from early morning until 9-10 pm each day.

"There were days when we only converted 3 customers and sold one 4G device. People here have not used smartphones and did not understand the benefits outlined by the government, so the initial phase was very challenging" said Mr. Diep. Despite attractive policies like free phone offers or significant discounts on 4G-capable phones, local interest was initially low.

It was only after experiencing new services on smartphones such as watching YouTube, transferring money with Viettel Money, and TV360 that customers considered "upgrading phones" or "activating 4G". Through persistent efforts in each village and collaboration with local authorities, Viettel Con Cuong changed how highland residents accessed digital services faster. They achieved a 120% completion rate in converting phone SIMs from 2G to 4G within the year.'s digital service ecosystem was a major factor in attracting customers to switch to 4G.

"The greatest success is changing people's mindset, convincing them to switch from 2G phones to 4G," said the Director of Viettel Con Cuong. Alongside this transition, digital services like e-wallets and digital payments were synchronized with local governments, businesses, retail outlets, and residents. Digital services seamlessly integrated into all aspects of life in this highland district.

The "activate 4G" spirit helped people switch from 2G phones, somewhat resembling how mobile phones reached these remote areas. When Viettel Mobile officially entered the market 20 years ago, the dream was succinct: "Every Vietnamese person owning a mobile phone".

Many deemed this impossible back then due to the high activation costs and call charges (equivalent to two bowls of pho in Hanoi and HCMC). It was also unimaginable for residents in the highland area to afford mobile phones, costing as much as a person's living expenses (several hundred thousand dong).

However, after 2 years in the mobile market, Viettel increased mobile usage in Vietnam from 4% to 95%: mobile phones were no longer just for the wealthy but for everyone.

"Erasing data blindness" and the journey ahead

After mobile penetration, "erasing data blindness" with the advent of the digital society became another mission for Viettel. In 2009, 3G was introduced in Vietnam, offering high-speed Internet and was seen as a fast and convenient means to popularize the internet. Viettel's DCOM-3G devices initially brought opportunities to 19 million households without access to wired internet connections. This was followed by the 4G wave, exponentially increasing data penetration nationwide upon its launch.

According to reports from the Telecommunications and Enterprise Bureau (Ministry of Information & Communications), Vietnam had 93.8 million 4G and 5G subscriptions in 2023, out of a total population of 100.3 million. Q&Me’s report indicated that 80% of respondents used at least one online banking app, and 70% used e-commerce apps for shopping needs, from goods to food and transportation services.

Yet, Viettel didn't stop at "erasing data blindness" domestically.

In Maputo, Mozambique's capital, 14-year-old Kaylani, a student at Molana High School, used to face book shortages and shared books with over a dozen classmates. She often had to walk several kilometers to borrow books from friends.

Viettel's mobile service was designed to be accessible to students.

Unlike other networks, Movitel offered affordable 3G/4G packages specifically for students. Thanks to this, Kaylani could access study materials, connect with friends, and explore the world on the internet without obstacles.

However, since Movitel (Viettel's brand in Mozambique) expanded its 3G/4G coverage, this issue has been resolved. “Unlike other networks, Movitel offers many affordable 3G/4G plans specifically for students. Thanks to this, I can access study materials, connect with friends, and explore the world on the Internet without any hindrance,” said Kaylani.

From urban to rural areas, the shortage of books due to limited education budgets has made smartphones a common source of knowledge in Mozambique, and Movitel’s affordable 3G/4G network is the solution.

Not only students benefited from this. Many farmers in Cayave village (Maputo), where there's no national power grid, frequently accessed the internet to check weather forecasts, learn disease prevention techniques, improve crop productivity, and share experiences with each other. Movitel not only provided telecommunications services but also did “erase data blindness" enabling them to change their lives.

That's why Mr. Roque Silva Samuel, Secretary-General of the Mozambique Liberation Front, described the brand's technology dissemination in Mozambique as: "Movitel has connected Mozambique's people with phones and the internet. Movitel's contributions to Mozambique go beyond providing telecommunications infrastructure and connecting people; it's a means to develop the economy and enhance human development".

Reflecting on Viettel's telecommunications service dissemination journey, Mr. Tao Duc Thang, Chairman and General Director of Viettel Group stated: "In 35 years of formation and development, Viettel has repeatedly participated in creating explosions and popularizing telecommunications and technology services. Viettel has contributed to the mobile and broadband internet revolution in Vietnam. Now, Viettel will contribute to the cloud computing boom and data infrastructure popularization to foster the digital economy  in Vietnam and many other countries where Viettel is investing".


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